Avoid paying fines and know where taxis are permitted to drop-off and pick-up passengers.
Note: The information provided below only holds true provided there are no other signs to the contrary applying to the area in question. For example a taxi is not allowed to stop in a "Bus Lane" in an area where "No Stopping" or "Bus Zone" signs also apply.
Taxis are permitted to stop at a No Stopping Zone provided the sign displays a reference to particular days or times where the restriction on stopping applies within the Central Sydney Taxi Zone - provided the driver is stopping for the sole purpose of setting down or picking up passengers or luggage and the driver does not stop for more than 1 minute. (RR 167-2).
The following information is not legal advice and is only intended as an indicative guide to various filiations. Destarny Pty Ltd does not warrant the accuracy of this information as advises drivers to seek professional legal advice before relying on the information provided below Please note that this information is not comprehensive and may only hold true in certain situations.
Taxi Zone - may only use the rear most available position to drop off passengers, must not otherwise stand in a taxi zone unless available for hire (PTR 138).
No Parking zone - whilst dropping off or picking up passengers and within 2 minutes (RR 168).
Restricted Parking Area - whilst engaged in dropping off or picking up passengers or goods (RR 168-1).
Bicycle lane, bus lane, transit lane, or truck lane - whilst dropping off or pickinq up passengers (RR 187).
Shared Zone - whilst dropping off or picking up passengers or goods (RR 188)...
Driveway or other way of access for vehicles travelling to or from adjacent land - provide the driver is dropping off or picking up passengers and drives on as soon as possible and within two minutes of stopping (RR 198).
Within 3 metres of a public Post Box if the driver is dropping off or picking up passenqers (RR 199) [Note: But not if a "mail zone" sign applies]
Bicycle parking zone - if the driver is dropping off or picking up passengers (RR 201).
Motor Bike parking zone - if the driver is dropping off or picking up passengers (RR 202) Parking area for disabled - if the vehicle has disabled permit & its conditions are complied with (RR 203).
Loading Zone - while any person is actually getting into or getting out of the vehicle, or in the case of a station wagon whilst goods are being dropped off or picked up (up to a maximum of 15 minutes) (RR 179).
Ticket Operated Loading Zone - a ticket is not required if the taxi is engaged in dropping off or picking up a passenger (RR 179-1).
Truck Zone - while the vehicle is dropping off or picking up passengers (RR 180).
Works Zone – while the vehicle is dropping off or picking up passengers (RR 181).
Clearway – (indicated by a sign or a broken yellow line) if the driver is setting down or picking up passengers (RR176).
No Stopping Zone provided the sign displays a reference to particular days or times where the restriction on stopping applies within the Central Sydney Taxi Zone - provided the driver is stopping for the sole purpose of setting down or picking up passengers or luggage and the driver does not stop for more than 1 minute. (RR 167-2).
Metered Parking Area - provided the meter is displaying unexpired time or the driver pays the relevant parking fee for the space for at least the minimum period of time that must be paid for provided the driver does not "stop and allow the vehicle to stay". (RR 207-1) (See.definitions for "Park").
Ticketed Parking Zone - provided a current parking ticket is displayed or is displayed immediately after parking the vehicle, or provided the driver does not "stop and allow the vehicle to stay". (RR 207-3) (See definitions for "Park").
The above information only holds true provided there are no other signs to the contrary applying to the area in question. For example a taxi is not allowed to stop in a "Bus Lane" in an area where "No Stopping" or "Bus Zone" signs also apply.
The Passenger Transport Act (Taxi-cab Services) regulation specifies that taxis are not allowed to accept hirings from anywhere other than a taxi zone whilst in the Sydney Airport precinct (except where a booking is made via a taxi-cab booking service).
Road Rule 165 provides a defence for breaches of most of the above where stopping was required due to an emergency or safety reasons or to comply with another road rule.
PTR = Passenger Transport Regulation 2007
RR = Road Rules 2008
Our set-fare booking option potentially makes the Destarny App the cheapest and the only fair dinkum — on demand — private hire car service on the market.
We also have metered options -- see the price comparison below.
UberX Rate x1.0
Cheaper Than UberX
Taximeter Equivalent
Premium Vehicle
All vehicles compete for the set-fare bookings via book nearest vehcile although the consumer may book specific vehicles as requested.